GameGuardian (GG 修改器) 101.1 官方简体中文 汉化版
什么是GameGuardian (GG修改器)
GameGuardian (GG修改器)是由 Enyby 制作的一款安卓游戏修改器器,它的作用与PC游戏上的CE修改器 一样,能够修改器游戏的内存和指针,制作游戏修改器,让游戏玩法更加简单,游戏体验更加爽快。
能在 ARM、x64 和 x86 设备上运行,包括 x86 模拟器(LDPlayer、Droid4X、MOMO、KOPlayer、Andy、Memu、Leapdroid、AMIDuOS、Windroye、RemixOS、PhoenixOS、AVD、Genymotion、Nox、BlueStacks 等) 通过 Lollipop (5+)、Marshmallow (6+)、Nougat (7+)、Oreo (8+)、Pie (9+)、10+ 支持 Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread)。 通过不同的虚拟插件支持做到 无需Root即可使用 支持不同的模拟器,如 PPSSPP、ePSXe、GameBoy 等。 ARM 和 x86 设备的游戏减速和加速 (speedhack),包括 x86 模拟器。 还支持使用 speedhack 在 64 位设备上运行 32 位和 64 位应用程序。 按 mask 搜索地址。 精确数值和模糊数值搜索。 文本 (String, Hex, AoB) 搜索. 支持 Double, Float, Qword, Dword, XOR, Word, Byte, 或 Auto data-type 类型的数值搜索 支持Lua 脚本。 一次修改所有搜索结果。 搜索结果的过滤(通过地址大小和值的大小进行过滤)。 在后台搜索。 “填充”功能。 时间跳跃功能。 转储内存。 复制记忆。 可定制的UI界面。 超过 50 多中的语言包。 而且,还有更多。笔记:
** 仅限 ROOT 或 虚拟环境 **
GG修改器可以通过虚拟环境在没有root的情况下以受限模式运行。 例如,通过 Parallel Space、VirtualXposed、Parallel Space Lite、GO multiple、2Face 等。
阅读帮助以获取更多详细信息。 您可以在 XDA Developers 找到有关对设备进行 root 的更多信息。
想帮助我们改进或添加翻译? 然后请访问主题“如果您想添加新翻译或改进现有翻译”。
如果您在使用该应用程序时遇到问题,请访问主题“收集有关 GG 错误的信息”。
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需要有关如何使用此应用程序的帮助? 请访问“视频教程”和论坛“指南”。
@d2dyno - Owner, lead designer, project management. @Enyby - Lead coder, project management. @Trasd - Technical consultant, project management. @Aqua - Creator (retired).EN
About This File
Overview: Play games your way!
“GameGuardian” is a game cheat / hack / alteration tool. With it, you can modify money, HP, SP, and much more. You can enjoy the fun part of a game without suffering from its unseasonable design.
Requires Android: 2.3.3+
GameGuardian Features Summary
Runs on ARM, x64 and x86 devices, including x86 emulators (LDPlayer, Droid4X, MOMO, KOPlayer, Andy, Memu, Leapdroid, AMIDuOS, Windroye, RemixOS, PhoenixOS, AVD, Genymotion, Nox, BlueStacks etc.)
Supports Android 2.3.3+ (Gingerbread) through Lollipop (5+), Marshmallow (6+), Nougat (7+), Oreo (8+), Pie (9+), 10+.
Support work without root via different virtual spaces.
Support different emulators like PPSSPP, ePSXe, GameBoy etc.
Game deceleration and acceleration (speedhack) for ARM and x86 devices, including x86 emulators. Also supports both 32-bit and 64-bit applications on 64-bit devices using speedhack.
Search feature: encrypted values.
Search of unknown values when specifying the difference between values.
Search addresses by mask.
Explicit and "fuzzy" numeric searches.
Text (String, Hex, AoB) search.
Supports: Double, Float, Qword, Dword, XOR, Word, Byte, or Auto data-type searches.
Lua scripting support.
Modify all search results at once.
Filtering of search results (address greater than and less than, value greater than and less than).
Search in the background feature.
'The fill' feature.
Time jump feature.
Dump memory.
Copy memory.
Customizable UI.
App locale for over 50 languages.
And, much, much more.
This tool only works on rooted devices or in virtual environment (without root in limited mode)!
GG can work in limited mode without root, through a virtual environment. For example, through Parallel Space, VirtualXposed, Parallel Space Lite, GO multiple, 2Face and many others.
Read the help for more details. You can find more information about rooting your device at XDA Developers.
Want to help us improve, or add a translation? Then please visit thread "If you want to add a new translation or improve an existing".
If you are having issues with the app, please visit thread "Gathering information about GG errors".
Want to donate and help keep the project going? That's awesome! You can donate any amount (anything helps) here: Donate
Need help with how to use this application? Please visit "Video tutorials" and forum "Guides".
@d2dyno - Owner, lead designer, project management.
@Enyby - Lead coder, project management.
@Trasd - Technical consultant, project management.
@Aqua - Creator (retired).
GameGuardian (GG 修改器) 101.1 官方简体中文 汉化版
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