Berserk RPG is Idle Defense Game. [详情]
Berserk RPG is Idle Defense Game. You can't stop the powerful monsters just by protecting the village. Protect the village and defeat the boss monster. - The Berserk's Fatal Blow is very powerful, but it drains your HP. - If you defeat the wave of monsters 5 times, you clear the stage. - Every time you defeat a wave of monsters, you can choose one useful Reward Card. - Defeat the stage and gain the reward. - Gain Power Items and power up. - Challenge the Soul Tower and gain the Soul Stone. - Battle skillfully by using Scrolls, Pets, and Artifacts. - Collect Hero's Skins. Skin List : Viking,Middle Ages Knight,Mountain Soldier,Assassin Gatekeeper,Samurai,Bodyguard,Royal Guard,Castle Knight,Steel Knight,Flame Knight,Dark Knight,Ice Knight,Ancient Mayans,Adventurer,Spartan,Ninja "Hanzo",Demigod "Freya" *Warning! Game is free to play, it offers in-app purchases and contains ads. *Warning! Refund is not possible If you open the mailbox after an in-app purchase is made. *Warning! You can manually save the game in Settings.
网址: Berserk推荐资讯
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