游戏社区管理经验 科技百科
作者:Mike Rose
团队射击游戏《Ace of Spades》仍难以逃脱“带着枪支的《Minecraft》”这种标签,从其方块风格的场景中我们不难看出原因
但对该作的玩家而言,其中涵盖的挑战模式比娱乐成分更多。Ben Aksoy开发的《Ace of Spades》于2011年首次推出alpha版本,之后Jagex购买了该作的版权,并于上个月推出付费模式,但相关资深玩家并不喜爱这种转变。
Ace of Spades(from gamasutra)
其一,之前基于第一次世界大战题材的《Ace of Spades》可以免费下载,但Jagex加入后,该作开始呈现流畅画面,并删除程序生成地图与多种元素(包括修改游戏模型的功能)。
Jagex的《Ace of Spades》品牌总监Rob Kinder解释道,这是个棘手处境,他们尚未合理解决。如你所见,Jagex其实已在该作投入约18个月时间,但最近才正式公布加入消息。
结果,在隐秘多年后,Jagex无意间分离《Ace of Spades》社区的做法公开了这个事实。
ace of spades(from gamasutra)
“起先,我们致力于在《Ace of Spades》中引入用户生成内容。我们已表明这个用意,玩家可以在Steam Workshop上创建并分享内容。然而由于我们并未构造方便新用户创建出色内容的专门游戏编辑器,因此不得不推迟这项举措,此外骨灰级玩家可以创建更详细更复杂的内容。”
你可能会发现,目前Jagex正试图理解导致《Ace of Spades》发行方式不同的原因。在此之前,从未有哪家公司有机会在拥有大批忠实粉丝的情况下发行作品。
ace of spades(from gamasutra)
他指出:“我们尤其喜爱《Ace of Spades》。作为首款独立开发的作品,我们从中收获颇丰。”
这名Jagex高管表示:“对此我毫不在意,当然,这种比较势必会给自身造成麻烦。比如,虽然《Ace of Spades》设置在方块沙盒背景中,其目标与核心玩法机制却与《Minecraft》完全不同。我认为,最终这款游戏不必证明自己与其它作品的相似成分,便能突显自身价值。”
Kinder希望《Ace of Spades》的开放性——其建设性操作方式以及玩家的巨大自由感,能让它从一系列其他第一人称射击游戏中脱颖而出。
How Ace of Spades gave Jagex a lesson in community management Exclusive
by Mike Rose
“Minecraft with guns.” This is the description that team-based shooter Ace of Spades is still unable to escape from, although it’s not difficult to see why thanks to its blocky environments.
But for Ace of Spades players, there’s far more at stake than simply defending the origins of their pastime. The Ben Aksoy-developed game, first released as an alpha build in 2011, was bought out by Jagex (seemingly in 2012, when Jagex announced its involvement), and released as a paid game last month — and veteran AoSers aren’t exactly happy about the switch.
For one, the World War I-based title was free to download until Jagex came along. Then there’s the smoothing of the visuals, the (current) removal of procedurally generated maps, and various elements that have been disabled including the ability to modify the models in the game.
Rob Kinder, Jagex’s brand director for Ace of Spades, explains to Gamasutra that it’s a rather sticky situation that hasn’t been handled all that well. You see, Jagex has actually been working on Ace of Spades for around 18 months now — however, it was not ready to publicly announce this until recently.
“One of the problems of taking on a project at such an early stage is that you aren’t necessarily ready to announce your involvement the minute you start work on it,” he says.
“The other problem with this is that, nowadays, it’s almost impossible to hide your involvement in something because of publicly listed trademarks, URL ownership etc.” he continues. “So it’s a balancing act. On the one hand we wanted to wait until we were absolutely ready to announce Jagex’s involvement, with assets, video and locked features; something we could excite the community with, but on the other hand we wanted to let the community know what was going on early without going wide with an official announcement.”
As a result of keeping its involvement a secret for so long, Jagex has accidentally managed to split the Ace of Spades community somewhat.
“In hindsight I think we straddled an awkward line somewhere in-between these two approaches,” notes Kinder. “We had some of the key contributors working in-house, or contracted from other parts of the world and their involvement was known. Some of our artwork, graphics and UI were shown exclusively through community channels and we even spoke to a couple of key community members on the phone to get their input.”
He admits, “The community is much bigger than its key representatives though, and I have to take responsibility for not communicating effectively with that wider player base.
Jagex is now looking to right this wrong, and make sure the Ace of Spades community is always kept in the loop.
“Our goal now is to make sure we involve the community as much as possible in everything we do,” he tells us. “For starters, we’re launching a community built, community voted map to the game, for free; we’ve launched an extensive update based on balancing and gameplay suggestions made by the community, and we’re looking to involve them heavily in future content updates, starting with our World War update in January, which will bring back some of the more slow-paced, tactical gameplay that was so prevalent in the prototype build, but something we acknowledge has been underrepresented in the full release.”
And what of all the changes to the original core concept? Do veteran players have the right to be angry at how much Jagex has molded the game to its whim?
“Jagex has been working on Ace of Spades for aro
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