实况足球8秘籍(Live soccer 8 cheats).doc
实况足球8秘籍(Live soccer 8 cheats)
实况足球8秘籍(Live soccer 8 cheats) Situation 8 how extraordinary? Some must have a joystick to do extraordinary movements.) look carefully. I cant do it without patience 1, around the cross dribbling: cycling is commonly known as dribbling, players will not stop the left foot cross around the ball formation in football dribbling, first appeared in the era of PS WE4, has been developed for three kinds of different speed around the cross dribbling, the author will explain one by one. A, two times around the action cross dribbling: first appeared in WE4, at the time of the works is one of the main disadvantages are flashy without substance, dribbling hard straight too long, and in the other action is not easy to connect. The operation is L1 combo two times, but this action determines that there is a larger adjustment, mainly on the dribbling distances were reduced, and joined the last ball up breakthrough set, which makes the action in the flank or break before the place. But this action launched a long time, so it can be long-term use in the spirit of the occasion, it is easy to be identified and easily resolve the opponent. Practical: 3 points Gorgeous: 4 points Difficulty in use: 4 Comments: advanced players according to the game situation occasionally used change trick B, four times around the cross: this action is dribbling Brazil player Denilson de signs action, first appeared in WE6, is widely used in WE7, it is often a breakthrough when the wing on the other side of the rear ramp with the body impact over the use of the short time available action to protect the ball, then start to break, but WE8 who has been canceled. Said two times around the cross dribbling disadvantage is hard straight too long, this action also has this problem, but the defect is more obvious, and this movement is only occasionally used Denilson, so the universal operation has little significance (that is to say, this action only Denilson or Rivaldo this super dribbling hand can use freely ordi
实况足球8秘籍(Live soccer 8 cheats).doc
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