Park your vehicle in Car Transport [详情]
Park your vehicle in Car Transport Trailer and drive cars to destinations. Do you think you can manage a huge truck that can carry heavy load? Car Transport Trailer 3D will give you the mega experience of driving car transporters and experience hauling the heavy load. With this ultimate car transporter game, you’ll test your driving skills at parking cars inside the transporter and driving the big trucks yourself. In this extremely fun driving & parking game, we challenge you to try this mega vehicle carrier and transport cars to the destination. Park the cars carefully and maneuver them on the trailer so they fit in perfectly within the indicated spot. Then drive the massive truck while managing the load on top. So your parking troubles have doubled. These high value beautiful racing cars does not belong to you, your duty is to transport them safely. Make sure to fulfil your duty and transport these awesome cars to the marked destination within the given time. You need to use the 3D camera and maneuver your big lorry through the streets of the city. These automobile transporter trucks will be very crazy at the turns of the roads. So, be careful while turning these big lorry trailer car transporters. Parking games usually are challenging yet simple, but this game can be very crazy because you are not only driving a huge lorry trailer but that heavy duty lorry also contains expensive cars to transport them to their destination. ★★★ Features ★★★ ◆ Challenging and outstanding environment. ◆ Select any of the 4 big trucks. ◆ 20 Challenge Base Missions. ◆ Clock is ticking so transport these racing cars on time. ◆ Extreme precision 3D truck simulator. ◆ Great dynamic game play. ◆ Excellent sound effects. ◆ Amazing 3D graphics. ◆ Map of Whole City ◆ Different camera angles that give you more control
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